Thursday, December 13, 2012

Ask and you shall receive...

So, a good friend of mine came to me with a $20 Sephora coupon looking for suggestions on a good (non-cosmetic) product to buy.

She already has great skin, so we're not talking acne products...we're talking the fun products that give us an extra fresh face.

I initially suggested Laura Mercier Flawless Skin Face Polish
This is an awesome product for people with dry skin or rough/dull skin.  I love this product for a quick little buff to create a smooth canvas for my clown-like makeup process.  It smells great and gently exfoliates.  The grains of any exfoliating product should be tiiiiiny.  Products like the St. Ives Apricot Scrub do nothing but scratch and damage your skin.  This is because the walnut chunks they use are just to harsh and do not have refines edges.  You want something with rounded scrubbies!  Word to the wise: if you aren't using some sort of face scrub/exfoliating product at least once a week, YOU NEED TO START!

But alas, this friend wanted something a little more exciting...a little more hardcore.  I suggested my super mega ultimate favorite face product in the world!

This product has changed name and packaging since I started using it several years ago, but the product itself has not changed.  

The reviews on the Sephora website should be proof enough, but I'll rest assured that you still want my opinion.  This is a 2-step process and can be easily used in the shower; however, I prefer to have a more intimate over the sink session with my facial processes (mind=gutter, jussayin).  Now, don't be scared by the fact that it says "resurface," I assure you that your face will not burn off.

The first step is the little tub - Vitamin C/Peptide resurfacing crystals - this is super scrubby and super thick and you only need a little.  I like to apply to a freshly cleansed dry face for optimal scrubbiness.  Once your face/neck is fully scrubbed up and covered in product, apply the second product.

The second step is the bottle - Lactic/Salicylic Activating Gel - this is a smooth gel that when combined with step 1 forms foamy goodness on your face that tingles a little.  If it's burning, it's too much for your skin, rinse that shit off.  Ideally, you'll want to leave it on for a full minute.

The beauty of this product is that the intensity is totally up to you, you can scrub for just a minute or you can scrub until you're satisfied...and once you put the gel on, you can leave it until you can't stand it, or rinse it off relatively quickly.  It's only working while it's on your face.

You will notice some redness, mostly from the scrubbing.  Definitely apply a good face lotion (I prefer my night cream after I resurface).

I assure you that this product will leave your face super smooth for days!  I even like to use it on my lips!

It's a tad pricey at $68.00 (you can get it at Ulta as well for the same price), but you only need a little bit, so it lasts forever.

I would definitely consider this a splurge purchase for most people, so wait until you have a really good Sephora coupon or one of those Ulta 20% off dealies.

Oh, and if you're wonder how my friend liked the product, well...her exact words..."Was thinking of you bc I got my philosophy peel yesterday. Used it today...LOVE IT"

Welp, there you have it...product suggested, product used, product LOVED!