Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Listen up you furry bastards...we're talking about SHAVING!

Let's be real on a day to day basis, most of us aren't waxing...we're doing it the old fashioned way.  But shaving has come a long way.
First of all, I pretty much ONLY use men's razors...I find that they are better, get a closer shave, etc.

The Schick Hydro 5 is amazing, I have been using it for years.  It's definitely worth it to invest in non-disposables.

I recently got a free sample of the women's version - Schick Hydro Silk and I don't like it nearly as much.

One women's razor I HIGHLY recommend, especially for traveling is in the Gillette Venus Line - Breeze, Proskin (great for sensitive skin) and the newest one Venus & Olay (smells AMAZEBALLS!)

These are great because you don't need to use shave gel/cream at all.  The blades are surrounded by a shave gel solid.  A secret informant just told me HE uses this razor on his face whiskers...versatile!

Quick tips: Don't let your razor sit in a pool of water on your shower ledge, hang it up!  Clean all of your crap out of it and let it dry.  It'll last longer and will cause less shaving irritation.  And switch out your blades regularly, trust me ALL OF YOU are probably waiting way too long before getting a new blade.

Now onto shave gel/cream...lezbeeonest...no one is using shaving cream anymore...well someone must, because they still sell this shit at every CVS...ugh
Gel is much more of a protectant and men's gels are even thicker and protect the most sensitive skin, I mean think about it...a lot of men shave their face EVERY DAY...the products are going to be better!

I personally don't have sensitive skin, and this is hands down my FAVORITE shave gel Satin Care Cooling Sensation...I am OBSESSED with tingly products and this one has eucalyptus and menthol (think altoids on your legs and pits - it's bliss).

I know what your thinking...are you using this tinglin' crap on your lady parts?!  Actually let's call them genital...gennies for short.  Um, no...for that I use Skintimate Cream Shave.  This is really more of a lotion...it's really thick so it stays on even in the shower, whereas shave gel is going to rinse right off before you even get a chance to start shaving.  So now that we've covered the awkwardness of gennie shaving, let us move on...

Quick Tip - We've all done, but - FIGHT THE URGE TO DO A QUICK SHAVE WITH SOAP!  Most soaps are drying to the skin...you need to be shaving with a moisturizing product.  Sometimes in a pinch I even shave with cheap lotion or hair conditioner!

Two really great products I have recently discovered and LOVE (these are PERFECT for my sensitive skinned people):

The Art of Shaving Pre-Shave Oil - I tried this when I got it as a sample from Sephora and technically it's just a "whisker lifter" and it protects your skin.  In my opinion, it's a tad pricey, so I made my own version (ghettooooo).  Baby Oil Gel (I used Johnson and Johnson with aloe) and a few drops of tea tree oil.

Quick Tip - Tea Tree Oil is one of the best things you can put on your skin...I love it! Check it out: 20 Great Uses for Tea Tree Oil

The second product that I absolutely love (and will continue to buy) is The Cool Fix (I get mine at Ulta, also available at Sephora).  This product reduces ingrown hairs, razor bumps/burn and redness...perfect for bikini area.  Now, I should warn you, this product has alcohol in it, so if you cut yourself or use a dull/cheap razor (aka machete shave), then it will sting like a son of a bitch when you put it on...it's a deep burn, it's a deep burn.

And finally - After you're all shaved up and smooth, make sure you moisturize.  I started using Nip + Fab Dry Leg Fix (can also be purchased at Target online), instant long lasting moisture...my legs are like straight up Rhinoskin sometimes...not cute.

You might be wondering, what about Veet or Nair...even my not-so-sensitive skin can't handle Nair.  I have tried Veet, but I just never find it to work as well as it claims...plus those products smell aaawful.

What about this thing?! 
Smooth Away As Seen On TV Hair Removal
Yeeeah I've definitely tried it...it's not good.  If your hair is short (stubble), it doesn't work, PERIOD.  It also buffs off your skin...it's pretty much like a really fine sandpaper.  Don't waste your money.


  1. How about all those epilators. Have you tried any and do they work?

    1. I personally have never used one...but the people I know that do are usually A) faithful to them and B) say that hurt but you get used to it (kinda like waxing pain).

      I'm doing at home laser hair removal treatments and once I'm further along I'll do a blog about that, because so far it's pretty amazing, and PERMANENT!

  2. I use the epilator in my armpits...it hurts like a beeotch at first, but keeps the hair away for days or weeks.

  3. I don't know what an epilator is? I keep seeing laser hair removal 'groupons' and keep wanting to try it (maybe even bikini line! so tired of red bumps), but haven't gotten the ballz yet.

    "pre-shave oil"...so this is something you put on BEFORE you shave?? never heard of that and i have sensitive skin...always red bumps on legs...argh..

    1. Yes, pre-shave oil is something you would put on BEFORE. I just used it last night...highly recommended for sensitive skin...it kind of creates a barrier between your skin and the razor. As for an epilator, it's a tool not many people use these days because it essentially pulls your hair out. Epilady is the most common brand...it's really a series of coils that spin really fast and rip the hair out. I can't bring myself to do it!
