Thursday, April 19, 2012

After many requests, I've decided to start a beauty blog.  No one wants to troll through pages after page of useless information to find that one little gem that makes you decide to buy or skip a product altogether.  So my intention will be to keep my posts short and useful, like Snooki...

Questions?  Ask them.  Chances are I've tried it or have tried something similar and can offer some sort of useful information.

Makeup, hair products, skin care, body products, styling and other beauty tools...I know mah shiz, but if for some reason I don't...I'll find out...or if I'm feeling lazy I'll direct you to someone who will know.

The point is you'll have information you didn't have before you came here...and that is winning.

Tips and tricks?  Yeah I have those because contrary to what my bar tabs would lead you to believe, I'm not actually a baller and I cut corners to save money.

My only credentials here are the following:

  • I have been dying my hair for about 15 years
  • My makeup travel bag is a tackle box (seriously!)
  • I have personal contacts at Sephora, MAC and Ulta (you wanna see my bonus card ponits!?)
  • I generally have about $12 worth of makeup on my face at any given time
  • I really have little to no eyebrows (think on that for a second)
  • I grew up with a beautician mother
  • I'm your friend so you trust me

Now, FOLLOW ME!...why?

So that you know it's not ok to leave the house looking like this...


  1. Can't wait to read your tips! I am always overwhelmed by make-up and all the available choices. For example, is it worth spending money on eye shadows and do I really need to use eye primer?
