Thursday, May 31, 2012


I'm sure you've heard of ombre in some can do your hair, nails and even lips.  Ombre is the process of fading your color from dark into light, usually gradually.

Ombre Hair:

The draw is that it's low maintenance because you don't have to maintain your roots...yes I realize it essentially looks like a grown out dye job.

Ombre Nails:

You can fade each nail individually

Or fade your colors across all of your nails (I prefer this one)

But the topic of concern here is Ombre Lips:

There are varying degrees of ombre lips, from super dramatic to something you can really wear and not look psycho...

I am in love with all of these, even the last one even though it kind of looks like and end of the day version of early 90s lip liner application!

Here is a great tutorial on how to achieve the look...the chick is kind of annoying but her application is great...eyeliner is used in most applications and you really need to set it well if you don't want it to all run together after you eat that club sandwich.

You might notice one thing...all of these chicks have supple lips haha I said supple.  Unfortunately all of these looks are not going to work if you have thin lips.  The dark top to lighter bottom look would work if you have a thin upper lip and ample bottom lip, but the dark outside fade to the middle look is really only going to work if you've got a pudgy pout.

Needless to say, I will be trying it this weekend.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Baby Lips...yes please!

OK, so Maybelline came out with this new product called Baby Lips, it's an SPF20 moisturizing balm.  I bought it on a whim at Walmart a few days ago for less than 3 bucks!
I'm in love with this product!

If you are one of those girls that's more into chapstick than lipgloss/lipstick, then this product is tooootally for you!  Definitely a toss in your purse kinda lip product.

I got mine in Peach Kiss, mostly because I liked the color of the tube the best haha (marketing whore right here).  Each one is a slightly different shade of sheer color.  Peach Kiss is really the most sheer, but now I totally want Pink Punch and Grape Vine.  Cherry Me is a little too red for me.  They all SMELL like their fruity names too.  They also have Quenched and Peppermint, which have no color, with Quenched being fragrance free...if you are one of those weirdos that likes plain things.

Is it just me or does this woman have really unappealing lips??

Seriously, throw out your lip smackers and go out and invest in this grown up version!  With beach season upon us, you'll need the added SPF!

Thursday, May 24, 2012


So I bought Coconut Oil on for like $10.  I got this one: NOW Foods Virgin Coconut Oil
This product is hard to find in the store because none of the staff ever knows that I'm talking about and it can either be in hair care, skin care, pharmacy or food haha.  Health food stores usually carry it.

I am legit obsessed with this product.  It's a solid and when you warm it just by rubbing your hands together it turns into the most delicious oil.  The melting point is really low, I left it in my car for like 2 minutes and it was completely liquefied!

I've used it on my body, face, feet, and hair so far.  Careful with your hair though, it's really oily.  I basically used it like a straightening balm.  You can even eat it as a dietary supplement or cook with it wherever you would use any other kind of oil or butter, but for now I'm sticking to beauty care.

It doesn't have that super sweet coconutty smell like Bath and Body Works type stuff, just a natural coconut smell, I LOVE IT!

I had a horrendous blemish on my face after applying my usual Neutrogena Rapid Clear it got all dried out and gross so I put some coconut oil on it...literally almost gone overnight.

Basic hair and skin benefits are as follows:

Hair Care: 
Coconut oil is one of the best natural nutrition for hair. It helps in healthy growth of hair providing them a shiny complexion. Regular massage of the head with coconut oil ensures that your scalp is free of dandruff, lice, and lice eggs, even if your scalp is dry. Coconut oil is extensively used in the Indian sub-continent for hair care. Most of the people in these countries apply coconut oil on their hair daily after bath. It is an excellent conditioner and helps in the re-growth of damaged hair. It also provides the essential proteins required for nourishing damaged hair. It is therefore used as hair care oil and used in manufacturing various conditioners, and dandruff relief creams. Coconut oil is normally applied topically for hair care.

Skin Care: Coconut oil is excellent massage oil for the skin as well. It acts as an effective moisturizer on all types of skins including dry skin. The benefit of coconut oil on the skin is comparable to that of mineral oil. Further, unlike mineral oil, there is no chance of having any adverse side effects on the skin with the application of coconut oil. Coconut oil therefore is a safe solution for preventing dryness and flaking of skin. It also delays wrinkles, and sagging of skin which normally become prominent with age. Coconut oil also helps in treating various skin problems including psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema and other skin infections. Therefore coconut oil forms the basic ingredient of various body care products such as soaps, lotions, creams, etc., used for skin care. Coconut oil also helps in preventing premature aging and degenerative diseases due to its antioxidant properties.
I used this coconut oil to make my makeup wipes and tonight I'll be making a sugar scrub!
  • 1 part coconut oil (melted)
  • 2 parts sugar (you can also use salt, which is a little more abrasive or brown sugar, which is more gentle)
  • Um yeah, that's it...just mix well.  The sugar/salt will sink to the bottom so you have to re-stir upon use.
  • Feel free to add your own additives (i.e. lime/lemon juice, orange peel, essential oils, etc.)
**Keep in mind these are all natural ingredients so it WILL have a shorter shelf life.
I am obsessed with sugar scrubs in the shower, especially after shaving my legs...the oily scrubs make them smooth and dangerously soft!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

WATER - The ORIGINAL Beauty Fluid

For theeeee longessssst time, I was the WORST culprit of not drinking enough water.  I was a natural born sodasucker...ask my parents.  I had to make conscious effort to cut back on soda (I actually eliminated it completely for a while after several relapses on Diet Coke).  I don't even keep soda in my fridge anymore.  Water is my primary go-to beverage and once I made the switch, I noticed a world of difference.

First the facts:

How much water do you need? 
Every day you lose water through sweating - noticeable and unnoticeable - exhaling, urinating and bowel movements. For your body to function properly, you need to replace this water by consuming beverages and foods that contain water. So how much water, or more precisely fluid, do you need?

This isn't an easy question to answer. A healthy adult's daily fluid intake can vary widely. Most people drink fluid to quench thirst, to supply perceived water needs and "out of habit." At least three approaches estimate total fluid (water) needs for healthy, sedentary adults living in a temperate climate.
  • Replacement approach. The average urine output for adults is 1.5 liters a day. You lose close to an additional liter of water a day through breathing, sweating and bowel movements. Food usually accounts for 20 percent of your fluid intake, so you if you consume 2 liters of water or other beverages a day (a little more than 8 cups), along with your normal diet, you can replace the lost fluids.
  • Eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day. Another approach to water intake is the "8 x 8 rule" - drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day (about 1.9 liters). The rule could also be stated, "drink eight 8-ounce glasses of fluid a day," as all fluids count toward the daily total. Though this approach isn't supported by scientific evidence, many people use this basic rule as a guideline for how much water and other fluids to drink.
  • Dietary recommendations. The Institute of Medicine recommends that men consume 3 liters (about 13 cups) of total beverages a day and women consume 2.2 liters (about 9 cups) of total beverages a day. These guidelines are based on national food surveys that assessed people's average fluid intakes. 
You can choose any of these fluid intake approaches to gauge your fluid needs. But your current total fluid intake is probably OK if you drink enough water to quench your thirst, produce a colorless or slightly yellow normal amount of urine, and feel well.

I'm usually peein' clear by 11am...just sayin!
Symptoms of Dehydration:
  • Tiredness
  • Migraine
  • Constipation
  • Muscle cramps
  • Irregular blood pressure
  • Kidney problems
  • Dry skin

Dry skin, tiredness, cramps and headaches were tooootally my symptoms.

Now the benefits...on the beautification tip:
Clear skin: Drinking water keeps your skin cleansed and hydrated, encouraging clear, fresh skin. By drinking water you flush out toxins and eliminate the dirt that clogs the pours of your skin, giving you a healthier glow.
Natural weight loss: You may not believe it but drinking water actually helps you to lose weight. A lot of the time when you feel hungry, you are actually thirsty, and when you drink water you feel fuller. This will stop you snacking needlessly. Replacing water with your usual drink such as fizzy or caffeine-based drinks is also good for your body. As well as the health benefits that water provides, it means that you are cutting out sugary junk drinks that are bad for you.
Toning skin: Water helps to keep your skin tight and toned, cleansed and flushed of toxins. Your body naturally fills cells with water to make them firm and tight, thus reducing the appearance of wrinkles for a smooth finish. When the cells are filled with water they become bulged and push against your skin from the inside, and this can help to reduce unsightly marks such as cellulite and flabby skin.
Glossy hair: Drinking water hydrates cells, and your hair is no exception. Drink plenty of water to make your hair naturally soft and silky. If you have frizzy or brittle hair, don't bother with expensive products – just drink more water and you will see a difference in no time.
A healthier you: What you put in your body really shows on the outside. Drinking water makes your blood thinner, leading to a faster blood flow and nourishment for your body cells. Lowering your blood pressure will give you a healthier heart and gives you much more energy. With your body feeling cleansed and in excellent working condition you will feel and look great, giving you a natural confidence boost.

It honestly took me a while to get into the habit of drinking water, so I had to get creative by buying fancy bottles and cups to make me waaaant to drink the water.
I seriously can't live without my Cool Gear Freezer Gel Acrylic Cup, I own several and have one on me at all times.  I really like this one because I can freeze it and the gel keeps it cold without needing ice.
Speaking of it better to drink water COLD or ROOM TEMP?!  There a billion studies that support both sides, but I come from the school of cold water burns more calories because your body has to work harder to warm it up.  That being said, I also agree that drinking room temperature water after meal helps with digestion (think about it, ice cold water is going to solidify the fat you just ate, right?...ew!)
If you reeeally have a problem with remembering to drink enough water or just need to make that transition like I did, this is an amazing products: HydraCoach Interactive Water Bottle
I have personally noticed that increasing my water intake and helped with my weight loss (80lbs down, 45 more to go!), I have also noticed that my skin is much more clear and I have less breakouts (I had AWFUL skin before), and I seem to have less cramping (like those awful calf spasms at night!)

OK, so in summary...water is good mmmkay

Friday, May 18, 2012

JUST HIT 1200 VIEWS!  Thanks people!!

I'm not going to teach you anything today, so quit yer cryin...just me talking and sharing a few things because I know you want to listen.

Soooo...I'm doing makeup for a beautiful bride's wedding this Saturday and I couldn't be more excited.  There's something about seeing your work of art walking down the aisle and hearing other people say "OMG you look so pretty" to the bride...knowing it's your own masterpiece!

Anyone who lets me do their makeup for anything, in my opinion, is taking a risk because, well, I wear enough makeup to outfit an entire drag show.  I've been told I've toned it down lately, but mostly I think it's just because I've started using more neutral colors.  Anyway, on your wedding day you want to compliment your features, not camouflage your face.

Kate Middleton caught a lot of crap for doing her own makeup for her Royal Wedding, as she should.  Honestly, your wedding was ROYAL and you can't even hire a makeup artist.  Her face (foundation, blush, etc.) looks pretty good...maybe a little intense on the cheek color, but her eye makeup is horrendous.  Her lower lash line eyeliner is the wooooorst...uhhh we smudge for a reason.  Her eye shadow is too dark and there's no dimension to it at ma'am receive a 4 out of 10.

Bridal makeup should be soft and should photograph well...this chick below...NAILED IT!

Moving on...

This is why I touch myself at night...and I'm not ashamed to admit it...hold while I go wash my hands...
If you don't already have it, do yourself a favor and BUY IT (Urban Decay Naked2, BETTER than the original Naked...I got mine at Sephora, comes with a sweet bonus lipgloss).  This palette works on EVERYONE, regardless of skin tone.

This palette can be used to create one of my all-time favorite eye looks.  This is the PERFECT eye and that's not my opinion, it's a dang ol' fact.

Side note: This chicks eyebrow makes me moist, it's perfection

Speaking of moist, I love Nicky Minaj...her style is nuts and her makeup is always so outlandish.  But I have one HUGE PEEVE.  She does the WORST nose contouring on the planet.

So here's her original nose:
Not only did she have it changed via surgery, but she furthers it's unnatural pointiness by contouring WITHOUT even attempting to blend:
On a positive note, she has amazing teeth!  But the nose, my god...

Alright, that's all for's Friday and I'm trying to do as little as humanly possible.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Should I get you some Aloe Vera?  Cuz you just got buuuuuuuuurned!

Most of us have left the days of slathering up with baby oil to lay on our tinfoil mats behind us...but lets face it, a lot of us still enjoy getting our tan on...especially at the beach.  Obviously none of us lay out with beef jerky-like goals...ummmm...

But the reality is that sometimes we end up burnt

I'm going to pause now for the people reading this that know me personally so they have have a good laugh at the fact that I'm discussing sunburn.  For those of you that don't know me personally, I have had sun poisoning on a number of occasions and it's NOT pleasant.

This blog isn't about preventing sunburn because duh, SUNSCREEN, but instead about what you may not know about sun burn and what to do after you've gotten extra tasty crispy.

Here are some things you might not have known:
  • Higher SPFs don't protect you BETTER, they protect you for LONGER
  • YES, you CAN burn your lips (done it!)
  • SEVERE sunburn can also include symptoms like fever, chills, swelling and body aches (done that too)
  • No sunscreens are truly waterproof, it should be applied every 2 hours and adequate full body coverage for an adult is approximately 1oz. (2 tablespoons)
  • Once out of the sun you continue to burn until you cool your body down (cool shower)...think about it, when you take food out of the oven, it continues to cook!
  • Just because it's cloudy doesn't mean you can't get burned
All of that being said and since I'm a professional sunburner, here a few of my favorite products:

Banana Boat Aloe After Sun Lotion: I have a close personal relationship with this product.  The smell seriously reminds me of my childhood.  I have have been using this since birth haha.  This lotion contains aloe to cool the burn and other ingredients that seem to convert the burn to tan more quickly and extend the life of the tannage.

Hawaiian Tropic Lime Coolada After Sun Lotion:  This is very similar to the above, but not as thick of a formula.  It smells great!  Same benefits all around.

Banana Boat Aloe After Sun Gel:  This is more for a serious burn.  It's a light gel and again...reminds me of childhood.  I think I'm 1/10th ginger, I burn so easily!  

Banana Boat Sooth-A-Caine: I've had to use this a few time when I was blistered so bad I couldn't stand to rub anything on my skin (yeah yeah I know I know).  This contains Lidocaine, which is essentially a topical anesthetic...shit is hard core.

Welp, there you have it...don't get burned, but if you do...TAKE ACTION.  You do NOT want to blister, peel and crack in all the bends of your body...DONE IT.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

DIY Makeup Remover Cloths...yes I'm serious!

OK, so I'm not a fan of store bought makeup remover wipes/cloths/towelettes for a few reason...they're too small so I use about 100 to get my face clean, they usually sting my eyes and aren't contact friendly, they're too dry and they're pricey!

So I researched high and low to bring  to you my favorite recipe for homemade makeup remover wipes.


1 Roll of Paper Towels (I really like VIVA because they're more clothlike...softer and thicker without being abrasive)
4 Cups of Warm Water
1 Tablespoon of Tea Tree Oil
2 Tablespoons of Oil (Vitamin E, Coconut, Moroccan/Argan...anything marketed for healthy skin, I used coconut oil because that's what I had and it smells delicious)
2 Tablespoons of Gentle Cleanser (I used J&J Baby Shampoo, it's tear free! Should be something super water soluble, not like a face wash)
Sharp Knife
Airtight Container (deep enough to hold a half roll of paper towels, I just used Tupperware)


  1. Cut roll of paper towels in half (or smaller if you want smaller wipes or have a smaller container), a sharp non-serrated knife works best.
  2. Place towels in container (it's ok if they are a little taller than the container because once they're wet they'll smoosh down).
  3. Mix the water, tea tree oil, desired oil (if you have coconut oil solid make sure it's fully melted and before adding to water) and cleanser and pour over paper towels.
  4. Replace lid and gently flip container repeatedly to fully saturate the towels.
  5. Open container and remove cardboard core from paper towels (this should slide out fairly easily after a few wiggles since it will be wet).
  6. Pull your towels from the center just as you would store bought cleaning wipes in a tube, they will tear at the perforation and won't get tangled up.

It's seriously that easy.  I made my first batch and love it!  If you are nervous about the end product being something you'll like, wait until you have a half empty roll of paper towels and make a small batch until you find a recipe you really like.  Experiment with different oils and cleansers.

One thing I will say is that the Tea Tree Oil is essential because when you're using tap water, the towels can start to mold and the TT Oil prevents that.  If you don't want to use TT Oil, be sure to use distilled water to prevent molding.

Tea Tree Oil is great for breakouts: One study found tea tree oil to be just as effective as benzoyl peroxide, but without the negative side effects like redness and peeling.

Argan Oil is the new hot product on the market: Marketed to reduce acne, brown spots, cellulite and stretch marks and increase firmness and prevent signs of premature aging.

Coconut Oil smells great and has a kabillion benefits: Reduces redness and brown spots, prevents dry scaly skin, and is a rich source of Vitamin E.

For all the tree huggers, you can totally do this with all organic products.  For the mom's the recipe can be modified to make homemade baby wipes.

I'm going to modify this recipe to make homemade eye makeup remover pads (I like them for traveling) using all of the same ingredients (in lesser amounts obviously) and these cotton pads, which are like a buck at CVS...

Friday, May 11, 2012

STR8 HAIR...getting it right

If you are straightening your hair regularly (and a lot of us are), I absoluuuutely recommend that you invest in a high-end straightener/flat iron.  When it comes to flat irons, you get what you pay for.

A few things I would highly suggest:
  • NOT purchasing your hair straightener at a place like CVS, Target, Walmart, etc.
  • Plates smaller than 2" (bigger is not better, even if you have long hair): Once you start getting into 2" plates it's hard to get to the roots and maintain adequate pressure for optimal straightness
  • Floating plates: These are plates that depress based on how much hair you have in between the plates.  This allows even sufficient pressure for straightening.
  • Wrap around plates: This means your plates have a curved edge around the back of the iron itself...this is great for using your straightener as a curling iron.
  • Ceramic plates: Tourmaline, Sapphire or Titanium.  These provide even, less damaging heat.Adjustable temperature:  Different hair types require different temperature, your hair should not be SMOKING.
  • NEVER EVER use a straightener on wet hair and I do NOT recommend steam-based irons that suggest it's ok to straighten wet hair...even my own straightener says damp to dry straightening is ok, but I still wouldn't recommend it.
  • Using a hair straightening serum, spray, protectant...SOMETHING...ANYTHING!  Your hair is not meant to be crushed into compliance on a daily basis, you need to protect it.
I use the Solia Tourmaline Ceramic Ion Flat Iron with 1 1/4" plates.  This is one of FOLICA'S TOP 10 FLAT IRONS.  Uh also, Folica is the SHIT.  I get all of my styling tools from this site, you get freebies with your orders and they have sales all the time!

Anyway, the Solia straightener has wrap around floating plates, amazeballs...looks like this:

Some straighteners have a combed edge so that it combs your hair first and the iron flattens behind it.  While I have tried and don't like this type of straightener, it does teach us one thing and that is proper straightening technique.  You should not be taking giant chunks of hair and squeeze and pull it into compliance, you should not be twisting your hair, and you should definitely not feel pulling, ripping, or snagging of any kind.  Smooth plates with proper technique should have a silky smooth slide (anyone turned on? or just me? ok then).

THIS is what proper hair straightening technique looks like:

OK, so now you're thinking, how the hell am I gonna do that to myself?  It's not as hard as you'd think.  I typically do what I call a "rough straighten" and then use this comb technique to achieve that final smoothness.  You want to make sure you are using small, smooth, flat sections if you want all your hard frizz-free work to last.

Humidity is the devil, we all know it...but proper technique with a good iron and quality smoothing product helps immensely when it comes to a straight look that lasts.

As far as products, I hear a lot of concerns that certain products weigh hair down or make it look greasy, or that it doesn't look any different whether a product is used or me, you want to find a product that works for you.

Quick Tip: Thinner/lighter products (i.e. sprays and thinner serums) are better for thin, fine, or limp hair or for those that just want more volume and thicker serums or balms/creams are best for thick, resistant, or super curly hair.

Speaking of products, there are a few that I really like:

Aquage SeaExtend Silkening Oil Treatment and Beyond Shine Spray - These are salon/professional grade products.  The oil treatment works as a fairly light straightening serum and the spray is a finishing spray that I use all over before I do one final run through with my straightener.  The spray smooths any flyaways and really locks in that final sleek look.  For those with thin hair the spray could be used alone as a super light smoothing product.

Beyond the Zone Straight Shot Serum - I was unaware that this was a pro-product because I bought it on a whim at CVS.  First of all, it smells AMAZING and I use it as body oil too since it was cheap!  I tried the balm and didn't like it it made it feel like I had put hairspray in my hair and brushed it out, you know that dry but still kinda sticky feeling.

Chi Silk Infusion and Biosilk are the 2 serums that really paved the way for other products.  You can get these anywhere, they really are the originals in my opinion.  These run on the thicker/greasier side so you really only need the tiniest amount.

Quick Tip: If your hair isn't super curly and you want to avoid the greaseball look, DO NOT apply product from root to tip, start about midway down through the ends

Tresemme, in my opinion, is one of the best and most underrated drugstore hair care brands.  They have an entire line of smoothing products, my personal favorite is Smooth Salon Silk No Frizz Serum.

I feel like, in general, SERUMS are the way to go...not too heavy, not too light.

Here's something you probably didn't know.  Salon brands (such as Chi, Biosilk, Biolage, Paul Mitchell, Nexus, Alterna, Tigi, etc.)...if you are not buying them from an authorized salon product distributor, you are not guaranteed the same formula.  Biosilk from a salon/pro-store is much thicker than what you'll buy at CVS.  It's almost like name brand v. generic.  FACT!  Don't waste your millions on salon or pro-brands at discount stores.

What about smoothing shampoo/conditioner?  All I can tell you is that, yes, they work.  However, some are better than others.  I have tried a few that leave my hair feeling like it's riddled with buildup.  My absolute favorites are the following:

Tigi Catwalk Sleek Mistique Glossing Shampoo and Calming Conditioner - This is a professional series that smells amazing.  I literally bought it based solely on smell!  Turned out to be a great product...I use this when I REALLY want my hair to be pin straight and last...or when satan turns Maryland into the Everglades.

and...wait for iiiiiiit

PANTENE, hey, at least it's not PERT but seriously I love Pantene, if angels had morning breath, it would smell like Pantene.  They have a Straightening Shampoo/Conditioner and a Smoothing Shampoo/Conditioner.  The only difference I noticed was that the smoothing one was a little less intense, it left my hair a little more voluminous on a day to day basis.

Don't be afraid to try're not always going to find the best product for you the first time.  Take it to the extremes, if you buy a spray and hate it, try a balm...if you hate that too, serum is right down the middle and probably perfect for you!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Today...WE RANT...about MASCARA!
which means MASK in Spanish...not sure why I felt that was relevant, just wanted you to know I'm bilingual

I don't often come across a product that I detest.  I'm talking its mere presence in the store makes me want knock the whole display over in a fit of rage.  

First, some history...I know I know I hate it to, but stick with me here.  

In 1915, an American named T. L. Williams noticed that his sister Mabel colored her lashes with a petroleum jelly called Vaseline, mixed with coal dust for color (um gross). He began to package and sell the product, calling it Maybelline.”  By 1932, Maybelline was being packaged and sold in retail stores nationwide for (brace yourselves) 10 CENTS!  In the 1960s Maybelline introduced Ultra Lash, which was waterproof, and the first mascara to have the familiar tube/brush application process.  Finally, in 1971 Maybelline introduced the world to GREAT LASH, which is still the #1 best selling mascara in the marketplace.  A tube of this horseshit crosses a retail checkout scanner every 1.5 seconds!  

They have made improvements to the line in an attempt to keep up with the trends in mascara over time...different formulas...different brushes...revamped packaging, but still the familiar pink and green tube that really grinds my gears.

While I applaud Maybelline for being the #1 makeup brand worldwide (as far as sheer number of purchases), I STILL HATE GREAT LASH with a furious passion!

When I see Great Lash in the store, I see one of two things -- 1980s woman frantically pumping the tube and applying coat after coat to achieve an insane degree of waterproof tarantula lashes before hitting the gym and Motley Crue knowing the importance of a crappy mascara that dries like cement on your eyelashes, and thus holding up through rockin out, boozing up, and passing PTFO-ing.

All of that being said, I have a few tips and suggestions that I shall now force upon you.

Understand a few things: 
  • Models are ALWAYS wearing false lashes in mascara commercials, sad but true...don't expect your mascara to work miracles, but do expect it to at least do what it says it it'll do (i.e. curl, lengthen, thicken, etc.).
  • Waterproof mascara IS waterproof, which means it's a bitch and a half to take off.  You should NEVER sleep in waterproof mascara, it hardens and dries your lashes, making them brittle and next thing you know you're molting like a penguin in the summer.  If you want the benefits of waterproof with easier removal, apply regular first and then coat with waterproof.
  • Curl BEFORE you apply mascara, this opens up your eyes.
  • Don't use mascara if it STINKS or is discolored...usually means it's bad.
  • Don't use mascara if it's dried up or if you find yourself applying a ton of coats before you notice a difference.  Mascara should be WET.
  • Don't pump your brush, this forces air into the tube, thus drying it out and promoting bacteria growth.
  • You should toss your mascara every 3 months (ideal) or every 6 months at the MOST (for my stingy bacteria breeding makeuppers)
  • For the most intense lash look, ALWAYS use 2 different kinds of mascara (doesn't matter which 2, I sometimes use 3 or 4).  Great tutorial (notice how she's bent her first brush to achieve a perfect angle for herself, the brushes are pliable for a reason!):
  • Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle YEAH! side to side at base and pull through length of lashes.
  • Don't let your mascara dry in between coats, this leads to clumpy tarantulas...clumantulas if you will.
  • For long squirrely lashes, use a microfiber brush, it makes it easier to comb out your lashes as you apply.  I am absolutely a fan of the microfiber (plastic-y) brushes.
  • Eyelash primers WORK! Priming your lashes makes them thick as all hell.
  • Lash fiber mascaras WORK! These mascaras have little fibers that cling onto your real lashes to make them look longer and fuller.  You can keep building til you're satisfied.

I am a mascara hoarder, like full blown problem.  At any given time I probably have 15 different mascaras that serve difference purposes.

LASH STASH FROM SEPHORA: At Christmas time (even though available year round), I always buy the annual Lash Stash.  For $32 you get 10 deluxe sample sizes of their best selling mascaras.  When buying higher end mascara, I ONLY buy deluxe sample sizes so that they don't get old and crusty before I get to use them up! This is a great investment for someone who isn't sure what they want.

LANCOME CILS BOOSTER XL SUPER ENHANCING MASCARA BASE: This is a great primer that can be use with ANY mascara.  Priming your lashes makes them look more luscious and prevents then from flaking.  Cheaper alternative: I'd be lying if I said I found one I'd recommend, or even found one period.  Most drugstore brands are combining their primer/mascara into one dual ended product (on to the next one, on on to the next one).

LORAC SPECIAL EFFECTS: Primer and mascara combo (dual-ended).  Microfiber brush in combination with primer give you an intense lash, but honestly, skip it for the Cheaper alternative: L'OREAL DOUBLE EXTEND BEAUTY TUBES: I love love love this and it's affordable.  Kind of odd at first because you apply the primer, which is white and then the mascara and it's like little tubes hooked onto your real lashes.  It's like waterproof in that it won't smudge, run or flake, but removes with just warm water.  Removing is quite strange, you have to pull off the little fibers (it's almost rubbery).  If you want longggg lashes, this is great!

MAKEUP FOREVER SMOKY LASH: If you already have long lashes and want to achieve that super thick smoky look (think Kim K.) this one is for you.  Basic brush, but thick rich formula.  I always use this as my final mascara. Cheaper alternative: RIMMEL VOLUME FLASH SCANDALEYES: Rimmel is marketing way more than they used to and they have a full line of great mascaras, Scandaleyes definitely produces that lush, dark smoky look.

FAIRYDROPS SCANDAL QUEEN:  This is a fiber mascara, you can build build build until you are satisfied with the robustness of your lashes! Cheaper alternative: MAYBELLINE ILLEGAL LENGTH FIBER EXTENSIONS: I love this because of it's small brush, it allows you to reach those tiny baby hairs!

BENEFIT THEY'RE REAL: My most recent purchase and I love it!  Great brush for combing out lashes and reaching all the tiny corner lashes.  Super wet formula for rich lashes. Cheaper alternative: MAYBELLINE FALSIES: Spoon brush = great curl.  Very easy to fully coat lashes because it's easier to get right to the base of the lashes.  An excellent affordable mascara for those that want volume and length!

Honestly just go HERE and just look at some of the crazy ass brushes that are out there.  Givenchy's brush is a ball for god sake and Clinique High Lengths is an actual comb (for the record, I don't like the comb applicators...I feel like they get too clumpy and uneven).

So let's see I bashed Great Lash, which, let's be honest someone reading this is definitely a user (ABORT ABORT!).  Now let me bash a high-end brand.  I am NOT a fan of DIOR Mascara.  Their brushes are ginormous and their formula is super dry...DISLIKE!

So I've been helpful and hostile.  Hope you've enjoyed :)

Monday, May 7, 2012

BREAKING NEWS: Blog is getting scaled back to just 3 times per week.  Not necessarily the same 3 days every week.  Guess you'll just have to check in daily  JUST IN CASE!


Let me start off by saying these are some of my favorite and most versatile brushes.  When choosing your own brushes, it's really just the shape/design that I am recommending, so don't freak out and go sink hundreds of dollars into brushes you may never use.

Ulta has 2 brands that I would recommend for anyone who is only beginning to delve into applying using brushes.  Real Techniques and Ulta Brand.  These are great brushes that are fairly inexpensive.

Sephora has various series of their own house brand brushes that are great.  They are a tad pricier than the two brands I just mentioned, but are ideal for an every day user that's not looking to invest in high end brushes. Including these dual ended beauties that are perfect for travel bags...

When it comes to high end, MAC is my absolute favorite.  The lushness of their brushes allows for a more rich application.  Basically I need to look like a drag queen and MAC!

I made this little beauty below so you could see some of my favorite brushes (again we're talking the importance of shape of brush when purchasing) and how I use them.

Not even gonna lie, I own at least 2 of each of these brushes (one for light colors and one for dark).  That angled brow brush, yeeeah I have 4.  The MAC239 shadow brush was my first high end brush...I remember the day I brought her home like it was yesterday ::tear::

You can see I'm partial to MAC and Sephora brand brushes and I like just about everything to have a long handle.  I've said this before DO NOT think you are investing by buying a travel set.  They are not made to the same standards as full-size brushes and will surely fall apart on you.

Quick Tip: Face brushes are almost always used in a circular motion, you should never be using a stroke motion (mind. in. gutter).  Eye brushes should be used in either a pressing (as if you are pressing the color into your skin) or and short stroke type fashion.  You should never be using a windshield wiper motion to apply your colors - OK, who just realized that that is EXACTLY how they apply their shadow??

CLEAN YOUR BRUSHES REGULARLY!!!!  Never submerge them in water (it loosens the glue that holds the brush together).  Every brand under the sub makes brush cleaner.  I use Sephora Daily Brush Cleaner for regular quick cleanings between applications.  I use baby shampoo for my thorough cleaning (swish brush through water/shampoo mixture and rinse, repeat until water runs clear, reshape brush and lie flat to dry).

DON'T STORE YOUR BRUSHES IN THE BOTTOM OF YOUR MAKEUP BAG!!!!  All of the grime and bacteria floating around in your bag are all over your brushes and now you're going to rub them on your face...GA-ROSS!

NATURAL v. SYNTHETIC: Natural (animal hair) is typically better for dry applications, while synthetic is for liquids.  Dual fiber brushes, obviously, would be for both.

Why do they give me applicators with my products if I'm not supposed to use them?! Uhhh, why are you reading THIS when you SHOULD BE WORKING!? I don't freakin' know.  All'z I do know is that those super tiny applicators, especially with blush and god...throw them out!

There are many maaany more brushes that I just don't use, I mean is anyone really using that weird fan shaped brush?!  I'm just saying the ones that I have mentioned cover the full spectrum of day to day application. 

Quick and to the point!

P.S. Many of my readers have purchased the Garnier BB Cream after I hyped that shit it like I was on stage with Snoop.  Two readers had two valid complaints and here are my thoughts:
  • I feel like it makes me look greasy - try setting it was a translucent powder, because it's also a moisturizer it's going to eventually look oily, but once set with powder the powder will keep you looking matte
  • It accentuates my pores - try priming your face first to create a layer to build upon, also set with powder...honestly, setting with a good powder hides just about anything
If anyone is still interested in trying this product, it's on sale EVERYWHERE this week!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Too busy for a full face?  Let's see how we can save some time...

Great suggestion from a reader!  Not everyone has the time or even the patience to set aside the full HOUR that it takes me to do my makeup (well when I do full face anyway).  I have some shortcuts that I use for workdays or if I just don't have the time...and even sometimes when it's just too damn hot to put on my mask.

For entertainment purposes, I'm going to a quick "instead of ALL THIS, do this" kind of thing starting from your base all the way through final touches.

FACE: Moisturizer, primer, concealer, foundation, powder, setting powder, bronzer, then that order.  That is my full face routine on a good day.  A couple of things I do to save time:
  • Skip the moisturizer/primer/concealer/foundation and go with a tinted moisturizer.  FACT: I make my own tinted moisturizer because I just don't like a lot of the ones that are out there.  I like to mix mine about 1/3 moisturizer and 2/3 liquid foundation because I like a heavier coverage, but feel free to investigate your own proportions so you can find what's best for you.  Obviously the less foundation you use the lighter the coverage.  You can premix this and store it in a container so that it's at the ready.  You can also use mineral powder foundation (like Bare Minerals or Ulta Mineral Foundation) instead of liquid.  I've even added a little mineral powder bronzer to my concoction for that summery glow.  Too scared to play chemist in your makeup dungeon?  Try these tinted moisturizers: Laura MercierSmashbox, or Aveeno...yes I said Aveeno, they make great products!)
  • Skip your ENTIRE FACE ROUTINE and replace it with BB Cream (I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH), it's as easy to use as face lotion!
  • I have a problem with that end of the day greaseball look, so sometimes I just moisturize and apply some loose powder and bronzer.
  • Have great skin already?  Skip everything but moisturizer and a touch of bronzer or blush.  You'll look natural and FRESH!
  • Honestly, most people already skip blush altogether and I can't hate on's a finishing product, you don't need both bronzer and blush on a day to day basis in my opinion.
  • Setting powder?  Really Shelley?  YES!  I need to make sure my face lasts all day so I never skip it!  But I won't force that on you!  I suppose a setting spray would save time (I also use - Urban Decay - All Nighter) since you don't have to get a brush and all that, you just squirt it on evenly (that's what she said).
EYES: Primer, lid shadow, eyeliner, smudge, crease shadow, blend, below brow bone shadow, blend, outer corner shadow, blend, under brow highlighter, blend, mascara coat, mascara coat, mascara coat, mascara coat, clean up imperfections with Q-tip, touch up I'm not kidding!  Save time...GO!
  • Instead of eye primer just use the foundation you're already using on your face on your eyelids (DO NOT USE TINTED MOISTURIZER HERE).  I do NOT recommend not priming your eyes in some way if you are going to wear eye shadow/ just won't stay all day.
  • Skip eye shadow altogether and use a thick liner on the top lash line, maybe even get crazy and do winged or cat eye liner.
  • Skip all the blending craziness by sweeping your entire eye with a light champagne or other neutral color, with or without eyeliner.
  • Forget everything and just make sure you have epic eyelashes (I do this a lot for work)
  • To reduce the risk of needing a massive clean up project around your eyes before you leave the house, stick to lighter colors and avoid any lower lash line stuff (mascara/liner)
EYEBROWS: Outline with pencil, fill with semi-permanent eyebrow corrector gel, set with brow powder, blend inside edges with spoolie, star at self in mirror for 10 mins making sure they are symmetrical. I realize most of us already have eyebrows and don't need to fill them in like crazy.  But one thing to remember is that the more eye make up you wear the more you need to make sure you have a robust eyebrow (I should have taken a picture of myself with full makeup and no eyebrow fill to demonstrate this importance haha).
  • Skip all of the above madness and tame unruly eyebrows with a clear or tinted eyebrow gel.
  • On days when I don't have time for full eyebrow fiasco, I use an eyebrow pencil/brush combo to fill in sparse brows - I absolutely LOVE Rimmel Professional Eyebrow Pencil in Dark Brown, it's only like $3 and I keep one in my purse at all times...along with a sharpener!
  • A lot of you lucky bastards don't know the pain of dealing with shitty eyebrows and you can go directly to hell for that, but nonetheless, shave at least 5 mins off your routine.
LIPS: Buff lips to remove loose/dead skin (usually use an old toothbrush and a sugar/lip balm mixture I make), reverse lip liner, blend, lipstick, spend 5 mins trying to get my cupids bow to look even, blot, finish with lip gloss.  Go ahead, say it, I'm a complete lunatic...I understand.
  • LIP BALM! Never, NEVER let your lips get chapped...keeping your lips moisturized with a good balm (and no we're not talking lip smackers) makes for a supple gorgeous lip without any lipstick/gloss at all, nude lips are IN for a reason!  If you don't know about Carmex, you better get in the know.  Hands down my favorite drugstore/cheapy lip balm.  I also love Rosebud Salve...we have a strange love affair, sometimes I keep her in the freezer, sometimes I use her on my elbows...kinky.
  • Most people aren't wearing lipstick these days unless they want a long wear look, skip it and use your favorite lip gloss, because seriously, we're applying that shit 100 times a day anyway.
The bottom line here is that some of us just don't NEED a full makeup routine and don't need to spend the extra time.  Skip what you can, when you can!

This post had no pics (boooooriiiiing), so for your entertainment, here's what happens when you skip your ENTIRE morning routine

This photo is rated PG for Pretty Gross... find my eyebrows, I DARE YOU! 

OK OK so here I'm more dressed up and have actually fixed my hair so that adds to the difference, but still, my coworkers weren't nearly as frightened. 

I might get a few haters on this one, but I'm sorry, whether you have an amazing natural beauty or not, makeup still helps!

Your face is a delicious ice cream cone and cosmetics are the toppings...I mean c'mon yesss I'll eat the plain vanilla cone, but it's so much more scrumptious with sprinkles and syrups and nuts...definitely nuts...Nuts on ur face, cone, whatever.