Monday, May 7, 2012

BREAKING NEWS: Blog is getting scaled back to just 3 times per week.  Not necessarily the same 3 days every week.  Guess you'll just have to check in daily  JUST IN CASE!


Let me start off by saying these are some of my favorite and most versatile brushes.  When choosing your own brushes, it's really just the shape/design that I am recommending, so don't freak out and go sink hundreds of dollars into brushes you may never use.

Ulta has 2 brands that I would recommend for anyone who is only beginning to delve into applying using brushes.  Real Techniques and Ulta Brand.  These are great brushes that are fairly inexpensive.

Sephora has various series of their own house brand brushes that are great.  They are a tad pricier than the two brands I just mentioned, but are ideal for an every day user that's not looking to invest in high end brushes. Including these dual ended beauties that are perfect for travel bags...

When it comes to high end, MAC is my absolute favorite.  The lushness of their brushes allows for a more rich application.  Basically I need to look like a drag queen and MAC!

I made this little beauty below so you could see some of my favorite brushes (again we're talking the importance of shape of brush when purchasing) and how I use them.

Not even gonna lie, I own at least 2 of each of these brushes (one for light colors and one for dark).  That angled brow brush, yeeeah I have 4.  The MAC239 shadow brush was my first high end brush...I remember the day I brought her home like it was yesterday ::tear::

You can see I'm partial to MAC and Sephora brand brushes and I like just about everything to have a long handle.  I've said this before DO NOT think you are investing by buying a travel set.  They are not made to the same standards as full-size brushes and will surely fall apart on you.

Quick Tip: Face brushes are almost always used in a circular motion, you should never be using a stroke motion (mind. in. gutter).  Eye brushes should be used in either a pressing (as if you are pressing the color into your skin) or and short stroke type fashion.  You should never be using a windshield wiper motion to apply your colors - OK, who just realized that that is EXACTLY how they apply their shadow??

CLEAN YOUR BRUSHES REGULARLY!!!!  Never submerge them in water (it loosens the glue that holds the brush together).  Every brand under the sub makes brush cleaner.  I use Sephora Daily Brush Cleaner for regular quick cleanings between applications.  I use baby shampoo for my thorough cleaning (swish brush through water/shampoo mixture and rinse, repeat until water runs clear, reshape brush and lie flat to dry).

DON'T STORE YOUR BRUSHES IN THE BOTTOM OF YOUR MAKEUP BAG!!!!  All of the grime and bacteria floating around in your bag are all over your brushes and now you're going to rub them on your face...GA-ROSS!

NATURAL v. SYNTHETIC: Natural (animal hair) is typically better for dry applications, while synthetic is for liquids.  Dual fiber brushes, obviously, would be for both.

Why do they give me applicators with my products if I'm not supposed to use them?! Uhhh, why are you reading THIS when you SHOULD BE WORKING!? I don't freakin' know.  All'z I do know is that those super tiny applicators, especially with blush and god...throw them out!

There are many maaany more brushes that I just don't use, I mean is anyone really using that weird fan shaped brush?!  I'm just saying the ones that I have mentioned cover the full spectrum of day to day application. 

Quick and to the point!

P.S. Many of my readers have purchased the Garnier BB Cream after I hyped that shit it like I was on stage with Snoop.  Two readers had two valid complaints and here are my thoughts:
  • I feel like it makes me look greasy - try setting it was a translucent powder, because it's also a moisturizer it's going to eventually look oily, but once set with powder the powder will keep you looking matte
  • It accentuates my pores - try priming your face first to create a layer to build upon, also set with powder...honestly, setting with a good powder hides just about anything
If anyone is still interested in trying this product, it's on sale EVERYWHERE this week!

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