Tuesday, May 1, 2012

"You look better without all that makeup" = You're doing it wrong

This might be a sensitive topic because, you just might be doing a lot of these things...shhh shhh don't be frightened.  You also may be thinking to yourself, ok so is this blog going to tell me that I need to start doing Shelley's chola eyebrows and wacky color combinations?  Absolutely not!  But there are several things that I highly suggest avoiding during your makeup routine and YOU ARE GOING TO HEAR ABOUT IT!

  • Don't match your eye makeup to your outfit...just because you have on green pants and an orange shirt doesn't mean your eye should look like the top end of a carrot.  The point of your eye makeup should be to bring out your eyes.  No one ever says "oh that eye shadow really brings out your pants."  I'm talking extremes here, this is not to say that if you have on a black and white dress you can't do a black/white smokey eye.
  • If you are doing a bold eye, DO NOT do a bold lip and vice versa...you should always have one area of focus.  Smokey eye with red/pink lip (in my opinion) works because even though the eye is dark, it's still relatively neutral.  You just don't want THIS...
  • STOP BUYING TRAVEL BRUSH SETS.  I know it's tempting...they are all there, everything you need in one cute little set.  However, travel brushes are not made to the same standards as full sized brushes.  The quality is severely lacking.  If the hairs/bristles are falling out of your brushes, you've made a poor investment.  If you think you're safe because you always use the applicators/brushes that COME WITH YOUR PRODUCTS...you liable to get smacked.  NONE and I repeat NONE of the applicators/brushes that come with your products are sufficient...you're better off using your finger/hands.
  • Now that I've said that, stop using your HANDS to apply your FOUNDATION!  You're hands are greasy little bacteria playgrounds and you're smearing that all over your face.  Not only does it prevent your foundation from setting properly, but it also is a horrible way to try to get uniform coverage.
  • Nude lips are so YES and lips that are lighter than your skin tone (JLo) are so NO..that is all

It pains me to say this, but Kim K. is the QUEEN of nude lips.  Find the shade that works best for you (I use MAC lipstick in  Masque) and always top with gloss.

If you want to know what color Kim is wearing here, probably just check Kanye's weenis..ziiiiiiiiiiing

  • 2 Words: TARANTULA LASHES.  When it comes to eyelashes we all wants them to be thick, long and luscious.  Here's a few Quick Tips: Never pump your brush, it adds unnecessary air to the tube, which dries it out and makes it clumpy.  The easiest way to create robust lashes it to layer 2 different kinds of mascara (doesn't matter which kinds, just as long as they're different).  When applying multiple coats do not wait for the coats to dry (this is why they clump).  Don't be afraid to comb out your lashes.  Always curl BEFORE your mascara (unless you have a heated curler lol yes I have one).  Letting your coats dry is the number one reason your eyelashes look like this...
  • Speaking of lashes, most of us don't apply mascara to our bottom lashes because we don't want end of the day raccoonage (bout to copyright that shit).  I always do the bottom lashes.  Quick Tip: Use a waterproof mascara with a really small brush (I like Maybelline Lash Discovery Waterproof)
  • If you're being photographed, avoid the shiny/shimmery face products, it just makes you look sweaty and/or greasy.  Also go easy on the powder, it makes you look ashy.
  • Avoid pumpkin face at ALL COST!!  Learn how to blend your foundation, there should NEVER be a visible line at your jaw or near your ears!
  • Pick the right color of concealer!  It should be 1, MAYBE 2 shades lighter than your foundation.  Remember, yellow toned concealers hide gray/purple (think under eye circles) and green toned concealers hide redness.  Rihanna looks great here, but her under eye coverage is wayyyy too light!
  • Want to rock a really bright/dark lip style?  Invest in a product like Cargo's Reverse Lip Liner.  This prevents your lip color from bleeding into the tiny wrinkles/lines around your lips.  You apply it to the outer line of your lips and blend outward.  I use this product and love it.  Kind of a strange concept that you may not even know existed.
  • Speaking of lip liner.  DO NOT EVER DO THIS...JUST DON'T...I shouldn't even need to explain myself on this one.
  • Choose the right shade of blush and apply and blend it properly in the right area.  You shouldn't look like a clown and I shouldn't be wondering if you were just slapped in the face.  The color of the product NEVER looks the same on your face so don't be afraid to choose a color that you think might be too pink or too brown...TRY IT!  Nice job Christina...or not...wrong color, wrong area, no blending...looks like she got in a slap fight...honestly her whole face makes me sad.

I could go on for days, but those were some of the most important and most common things I see.  But NOTHING is as ASTRONOMICAL as this last one...

I'm going to address eyebrows and alllllll of the things that can go awry.  I realize that almost none of you would ever consider doing your eyebrows like I do and quite frankly may not even like the way I do mine (hi haters)...so I'm going to cover the basic threats plaguing the eyebrows of the world...

WRONG COLOR: If you change your hair color drastically, your eyebrows should be changed too!  Her eyebrows are way too dark for her hair.

WRONG SHAPE: This problem runs rampant!  We all obviously don't have pristine arches, but seriously!?  Her eyebrows are horribly shaped and too far apart!

WRONG LOCATION: Honestly, I'm not even going to hate on drawn on eyebrows, because she has a decent arch/shape, but uhh they are in the middle of her forehead.

UNNATURAL SHAPE: Let me rephrase...COMICALLY unnatural shape.  Are you kidding?  Drake, is that you?

CRAZY OLD LADY BROWS: Ohhh you've seen these...they area always orange, misshapen, strangely wet looking and appear to have been applied while jogging on a treadmill.

OVERLY STENCILED: These brows look like they were spray painted or crayoned on using a stencil.  Even when using pencil/powder to create or fill in your brows, they shouldn't look waxy.

EPIC UNIBROW: This will NEVER be fashionable...FIX IT!

WTF WERE YOU THINKING BROWS: At what point was she thinking "I look hot with these brows".  They are 2 little arches from hell.  Never should your eyebrows look like little rainbows.  My god...I can't say enough about these monstrosities.  

If your eyes are the windows to your soul then your eyebrows are the multi-million dollar window treatments.  Having a clean shaped brow is honestly one of the best cosmetic tips of all time.  Case in point...

I've fully berated you for things that I KNOW at least some of you have done...hell I've been a victim of some of these things myself.  The important thing is that you learn from your mistakes.  Don't be afraid to try new things, you never know when you'll discover your own Quick Tips!


  1. Bahahahaha! Love it and couldn't agree more!!!

  2. I can not stop matching my eyeshadow to my clothes! lol I've tried and I just can't hahaha it's a sickness I know. - AMY
