Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Face wash isn't enough...and it's your FACE for god sake...TAKE CARE OF IT!

First things first...who here is washing their face with soap or body wash?  Go ahead and give yourself a firm slap to the face so we can move on.

I'm not going to get into basic face washes because most of us have one we love and use regularly.  I'm always blabbering about how to COVER your I'm going to discuss some of my favorite skin care tools/products that go beyond basic face wash.

I personally like to do most of my face care outside of the shower so I can focus...for me, it's almost a ritual and I do my extensive stuff on Sundays (basically, I'm a total creep).

In a time not so far away I had insanely problematic skin...acne, dry skin, oily patches, clogged pores, massive breakouts, general disgustingness.  I was always inclined to get the harshest acne wash/scrub I could find.  Keep in mind that anything marketed as an "acne product" EVEN if it says "non-drying"...WILL DRY OUT YOUR SKIN.

I made the decision to stop using acne washes altogether about 2 years ago and I haven't looked back!  Your skin is exposed to the elements all day everyday and the best thing you can do is keep it moisturized and protected.

I first want to mention this product from Abike (online and ALL HANDMADE).  I discovered this brand at a wine festival actually and have gotten several people HOOKED on Alata Black Bar Soap (haha-it looks like little slices of raisin bread...mmmm raisin bread)  
They also sell it in a liquid foam (I don't like this as much) and a soft paste (I want to try this, just haven't gotten around to it).  Their bar soap (although somewhat scary looking) is all natural and doesn't contain any of the stripping chemicals that most soaps contain.  You can use this all over, but I prefer to use it just on my face.  Because this is made up almost solely of moisturizing ingredients, it doesn't dry out your skin.  It leaves you with a squeaky clean face (I'm not kidding, my skin literally squeaks). This is marketed as a remedy for eczema as well, for people who might consider using it all over.  Not sure what else to say...I LOVE THIS SHIT!

p.s. Their body polish, body oils and shea butter products are orgasmic...everything they make smells sooooo good!  Support a small business and try their stuff.  Oh! and add them on facebook to take advantage of their promotions: ABIKE NATURAL 

This little devil is hard to find (I can only seem to find it at Ulta).  St. Ives Moisturizing Olive Scrub is a moisturizing scrub.  I'm a fan of scrubs...facial scrubs haha.  St. Ives makes the infamous Apricot Scrub that millions of people have used.  However, the "scrubby" part of that product is walnut shells and with its jagged edge composition you are really just scratching up your's too much!  Totally realized I made 2 music references in this paragraph and if you can't find them be embarrassed of yourself.  You want to go for scrubs that contain synthetic scrubbies or softer natural scrubbies.  This product is great for sensitive skin because it's natural and contains no harsh or drying ingredients.  Also smells delicious...

Honestly, from here on out, assume everything I use smells delicious unless I say otherwise haha.

I'm bout to get reeeeal ghetto on this next product.  Queen Helene in the hizzouse.  I have used this product since middle school.  Mint Julep Masque, for me, is the ORIGINAL face masque.  Anytime we had facial parties (get your mind out the gutter), this product was THERE!  First wash your face then apply a layer to your entire face, avoiding eyes.  It's like having a million half eaten peppermint patties on your face...that cool intense tingly feeling is amazing.  You leave it on until it dries like clay and then rinse.  Your face feels like you're standing in front of an air conditioning vent in winter for a good hour.  Uh, plus it's mad $3 and lasts forever.

Seriously, at this point, who HASN'T tried a Biore Strip?  Never ever buy the generics or other brands...I have tried most of them and Biore is hands-down the best one.  Also, splurge for the ULTRA, it contains tea tree oil, methol and witch hazel (the trend here is that I like things that make me tingle - don't judge me).  They recently changed the design of their packaging, which often means the old packaging is easy to find on clearance so keep a lookout!  
I always have these on hand and I use them on my nose and chin.  People who wear glasses all the time will sometimes get clogged pores where their glasses rub on their cheeks...great for that too!  You can really use them anywhere and they make nose and face strips, but the only difference is the shape and they are pretty interchangeable.  If you are skeptical...get ready to be amazed and maybe throw up...

Every brand on the planet is making some sort of facial buffer/cleansing brush type product.  The original and one of the most expensive is Clarisonic...although in their defense, this is their specialty and they have an extensive line designed for various skin care routines.  After an exhaustive google research fiasco, it would appear that the Olay Pro-X Advanced Cleansing System is just as good as a fraction of the price. Olay has great face products, period.  In my opinion they are the drugstore brand that most closely borders on being department store counter worthy.  I still use their original beauty fluid on occasion (mostly because it smells like my mom, awww)...I'm getting off topic.  So the purpose of this type of tool is to gently buff away dead skin, grime, etc. using the accompanying cleanser or really any cleanser you choose.  It's supersonic, meaning it doesn't spin, it vibrates, at 2 speeds.  It definitely provides a deep and more thorough cleaning than slathering your hands all over your face.  Would I invest in a Clarisonic, no.  Would I wait for the Olay one to go on sale or use a coupon...absolutely.

Neutrogena makes 2 face care tools that I have tried and I have thoughts on both.

The Wave comes in 2 styles (vibrating and sonic - sonic is a more intense vibration).  This is an OK tool and I'm not going to waste your time talking about why I do and do not like it, because I am IN LOVE with this next tool.  Neurogena's Microdermabrasion System is one of my favorite things to use weekly, besides my toothbrush (aahahaha jk jk).
I'm one of those people that will try anything even if it says it's guaranteed to burn a hole in your face, but don't be afraid of the word "microdermabrasion."  This tool is a great introduction into the world of buffing your face.  Instead of a permanent brush, this has disposable, pre-treated pads that you just stick on and get wet when you're ready to use it.  It has 2 sonic speeds and is obviously handheld, so you can really really make this as mild or as intense of an experience as you choose (I personally like to use the highest speed, saturate the pad with super hot water, and apply substantial pressure).  You'll want to buff small circles over your entire face (I even buff my lips!).  IMMEDIATE GRATIFICATION with this're face will feel soft and smooth instantly.  Be sure to moisturize afterwards (I use this before bed and use my night cream).  Safe enough to use once/twice a week.  I don't have sensitive skin, but do experience some redness, so be careful.  Don't go in guns blazing if you've never used a product like this before.

For those of you that want to try a legit chemical microderm product, Philosophy Microdelivery Peel is by far my favorite.  
I use this once every month.  It's a 2-step process.  First you apply the scrubby step and massage into face and then the Vitamin C & Peptide gel, which creates a foamy chemical reaction.  You definitely feel this product working.  It's a gentle warm tingling sensation to me, but might be more intense on more sensitive skin.  If something goes horribly awry, the effect ends immediately upon rinsing, so don't be toooo scared.  Philosophy makes several products like this, but this is by far my favorite and the least terrifying.

Quick Tip: You ALWAYS and I mean ALWAYS want to use a facial moisturizer after using any of the products I mentioned.  However, I actually do not recommend applying your face lotion and then jumping right into your makeup routine.  Give it time to absorb so that your makeup doesn't get that greasy, end of the day look. 

Again with the Neurogena!  I have tried just about every drug store acne spot treatment there is and Rapid Clear 2-in-1 Fight and Fade Gel is my favorite.  It's quick, it's clear, it's not AS drying as some of the other, but be smells like BigFoot's dick...but seriously, it stinks.  Once it dries the smell goes away, and it dries quickly.  You DO NOT want to apply this gel to your whole face, it's meant solely for treating individual pimples.  I've seen a major difference just overnight using this product.  Also, because it's got the "fading" ingredients, it makes it easier to cover up your spots with concealer.

Well, I hope you learned something or at least questioned your current routine (or lack thereof).  

1 comment:

  1. I saw the Alota bar in your moms shower last week ;)
