Thursday, May 17, 2012

Should I get you some Aloe Vera?  Cuz you just got buuuuuuuuurned!

Most of us have left the days of slathering up with baby oil to lay on our tinfoil mats behind us...but lets face it, a lot of us still enjoy getting our tan on...especially at the beach.  Obviously none of us lay out with beef jerky-like goals...ummmm...

But the reality is that sometimes we end up burnt

I'm going to pause now for the people reading this that know me personally so they have have a good laugh at the fact that I'm discussing sunburn.  For those of you that don't know me personally, I have had sun poisoning on a number of occasions and it's NOT pleasant.

This blog isn't about preventing sunburn because duh, SUNSCREEN, but instead about what you may not know about sun burn and what to do after you've gotten extra tasty crispy.

Here are some things you might not have known:
  • Higher SPFs don't protect you BETTER, they protect you for LONGER
  • YES, you CAN burn your lips (done it!)
  • SEVERE sunburn can also include symptoms like fever, chills, swelling and body aches (done that too)
  • No sunscreens are truly waterproof, it should be applied every 2 hours and adequate full body coverage for an adult is approximately 1oz. (2 tablespoons)
  • Once out of the sun you continue to burn until you cool your body down (cool shower)...think about it, when you take food out of the oven, it continues to cook!
  • Just because it's cloudy doesn't mean you can't get burned
All of that being said and since I'm a professional sunburner, here a few of my favorite products:

Banana Boat Aloe After Sun Lotion: I have a close personal relationship with this product.  The smell seriously reminds me of my childhood.  I have have been using this since birth haha.  This lotion contains aloe to cool the burn and other ingredients that seem to convert the burn to tan more quickly and extend the life of the tannage.

Hawaiian Tropic Lime Coolada After Sun Lotion:  This is very similar to the above, but not as thick of a formula.  It smells great!  Same benefits all around.

Banana Boat Aloe After Sun Gel:  This is more for a serious burn.  It's a light gel and again...reminds me of childhood.  I think I'm 1/10th ginger, I burn so easily!  

Banana Boat Sooth-A-Caine: I've had to use this a few time when I was blistered so bad I couldn't stand to rub anything on my skin (yeah yeah I know I know).  This contains Lidocaine, which is essentially a topical anesthetic...shit is hard core.

Welp, there you have it...don't get burned, but if you do...TAKE ACTION.  You do NOT want to blister, peel and crack in all the bends of your body...DONE IT.

1 comment:

  1. As a fellow casper that gets burned the minute she walks outside, I swear by "Neutrogena Ultra Sheer Sunblock Body Mist". You can't goof up putting on this sunblock as it comes as a spray. Plus when you are putting it on, it comes out of the can a bit cold so gives a nice refreshing boost if you our are out backing in the sun.
